Thursday, September 30, 2010

Baby Gifts from Cheryl, Wai Ki & Siegfried


Really thanks for the lovely gifts from Cheryl, Wai Ki & Siegfried.  Coz the gifts arrive separately in three consecutive's just so exciting to unwrap them one by one.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby's Position

上星期五去定期產檢....Dr Gandhi-list 因為剛剛接生緊...姑娘話佢唔會咁快ok.....問我地介唔介意今次睇另一位醫生....我地覺得例行檢查應該無咩所謂..加上唔知會等幾耐..所以就話好啦.原來另一位醫生係香港人..Dr. Liu...(男人)..我覺得佢明顯係無咁溫柔..但係都算係唔'衰'啦...不過..經此一次之後......我更加感恩我地睇開既Dr. 係真係好有心機..又可能係因為男醫生講野比較利落啦...

醫生話bb is in breech position..即係頭仔向上 (我feel 到係打橫)...個頭仔仲未轉落去...俾左張Notes 叫我做下提臂運動..幫助誘發bb轉身. 我聽完都有d擔心..if Lam BB stays in breech position in the coming few weeks..then I will need to prepare myself for a C-section. 我會勤力d 做exercise and 用d music 來引下佢....

What does it mean if my baby is breech?

By around 8 months, there's not much room in the uterus. Most babies maximize their cramped quarters by settling in head down, in what's known as a cephalic presentation. But if your baby is breech, it means he's poised to come out buttocks or feet first.

When labor begins at term, nearly 97 percent of babies are set to come out head first. Most of the rest are breech. (In rare cases, a baby will be sideways in the uterus with his shoulder or arm presenting first — this is called a transverse lie.)

There are several types of breech presentations, including frank breech (bottom first with feet up near the head), complete breech (bottom first with legs crossed Indian-style), or footling breech (one or both feet are poised to come out first).

By the beginning of your third trimester, your practitioner should be able to tell what position your baby is in by feeling your abdomen and locating the baby's head, back, and bottom. About a quarter of babies are breech at this point, but most will turn on their own over the next two months.

As you're approaching term, if your baby's position isn't clear during an abdominal exam, your caregiver may do an internal exam to try to feel what part of the baby is in your pelvis. In some cases, she may use ultrasound to confirm the baby's position.

What if my baby is still breech near term?

Babies who are still breech near term are unlikely to turn on their own. So if your baby is still bottom down at 37 weeks, your caregiver should offer to try to turn your baby to the more favorable head-down position, assuming you're an appropriate candidate.
(Week 30)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Gift from Queenie & Paul

Thank you to Queenie & Paul~ We received the bottle set a few days ago.

So far, we've chosen two different brands of bottles which declare that their design fits for breastfed babies.
The Dr. Brown bottles were the highest rated one and it says that their materials can help to maintain Vitamins in the mother's milk. Another brand we bought is the NUK. We'll wait for the little researcher (Lam BB) to sought out which one works best for himself.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stretch Marks...!

Finally...the tummy grows bigger and bigger each day after month of Sixth and dramatically...I saw those stretch marks...I don't know when did they actually appear...but oh..finally..I discover them....Now a bit regret that I should had put on more massage oil or stretch marks lotion to prevent it....though some people's nothing you can do with them..

Fortunately, stretch marks often turn lighter and almost disappear over time (hopefully).



在懷孕初期就應該在尚未出現妊娠紋之前,採取預防的步驟。 專用的妊娠紋保養霜或妊娠除紋霜不但可以預防出現妊娠紋,也可以改善皮膚發癢、皮膚出疹等孕期常見不適症狀.妊娠紋一旦形成,就會留下痕跡,只是顏色變淡了;頭一次形成的妊娠紋,為紫紅色或葡萄紅色,生產後,就變成銀白色,不仔細瞧瞧,還不見得看得出來。



3‧勤勞加油:(我就是加油不夠勤勞啦!!!!) 從懷孕初期就可以選用適合體質的乳液,可以在作重點部位按摩時,加油添〝乳〞,目的就在濕潤、油滑肌膚,增加肌膚的柔軟度和彈性,使得整體皮膚組織在脂肪堆積擴張時,能夠更加適應。使用乳液的另一項好處,是可以減輕妊娠紋處皮膚變薄時產生的搔癢感。

4.均衡營養素的攝取:皮膚科醫師都同意,肌膚保養的基本在於均衡營養素的攝取.除了足量的蛋白質,脂肪,和醣類. 一些特定的維生素,礦物質與肌膚的健康更息息相關.

(Week 30)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Baby Gift from Amy



The Art of Parenting

The Art of Parenting 

9月5 日, 教會的講題是教養的藝術. 我覺得歐陽牧師的分享很實用...真的很感恩讓我能夠在懷孕的時候聽到這信息...可以提醒我們早作準備..雖然小寶寶還在肚子裡....現在就談教養好像太早...但其實Parenting...就是由孩子一出生那一刻開始....父母的心理狀況及教養的方式對小朋友有很大的影響...研究說明很多心理的問題其實都是幼兒期(0-7)形成的..所以要俾多d愛心同心機去照顧小朋友.

我最深刻的教導是要讓小朋友有 Freedom to be different. 因為每個人都有他獨特的性格或恩賜....不要因為自己的意欲..強迫孩子向某一方發展.  應了解孩子,以身作則並且隨小孩長大的不同階段, 調整父母擔當的角色.

Parenting is like growing a tree.

Christian Parenting means to raise and educate a child from birth to childhood according to God's principles/ christian faith.   Pastor Au-yeung has shared a lot and he concluded the following 5 tips:
  • Be a proactive parent
  • Be a partner with God
  • Be consistent 
  • Be creative
  • Be a student of your child 
Sermons Archive:
Cantonese (Sep 5) 

English (Aug 15) 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Gift from Tracy

The cute little sheep...Baby's first doll! With a nice melody~ Thank you, Aunt Tracy! Of coz, thanks for other things that dedicated to the Mom-to-be.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Birth Plan 分娩計劃

Thank you for all the advice from my Mama-friends, Amy, Cathy, Christy, Cindy, Fion, Shirley, Wendy...仲有各位親友(不能儘錄). It's really helpful to learn from their valuable experience and get more idea about how it's like in the labor room.

I read two books about Birth Plan and both are really good. (As shown in Picture)

書中訪問了不少有經驗的母親...分享她們在分娩過程中遇到的問題及之前所做的準備. 解答了我心中不少的疑問. 其實每個小寶寶的誕生過程都是很獨特的....未必一切都會如我們預計般發生....但是增加對生產過程的了解..可以令我減輕憂慮.


(Week 28)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Routine Schedule?

Got sick for the past week.....running nose and headache..might had got a flu from a sweating night.

I guess I am not behaving well....always staying up late and do not follow strict eating patterns...Thanks God that my baby is not so picky and seems like he's quite adaptive with my loose schedule. However, counting down to the last 3 months..I should stick to a routine schedule and try harder to keep my body in good shape.

1) Birth Plan + Packing list for Hospital 
2) Shopping list and complete the Baby Registry
3) Plan for baby shower
4) Pregnancy photos at my 3rd Trimester??
5) How to arrange the nursery.

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