The Happiest Baby on the Block (DVD)
Highly recommended, helpful tips on how to calm a crying baby.
Baby 411, like the Baby Bargain book, it's a comprehensive guide with good Q&As....the problem is.....the font is really too small
Pea in a Pod, I think it's a very good reference book. Better than 'what you should expect when you're expecting' or those week-by-week references.
Counting down to the due date....not more than 1 month's time left and we'll meet Lam BB...! One of my best Mama friends reminded me that it's time to relax and 'stop' doing all the research......She worries that if I read too many references....I'll become more intense. 其實這兩個星期已經好少睇'資料'...轉左睇<龍應台> + Desperate Housewives + The Big Bang Theory....輕鬆一下. 加上現在經常感覺疲倦...每日實際既活動時間唔多...我都無再鑽研BB書啦.
P.S #盧太...唔洗擔心..我會聽你既心得..放鬆心情.
(Week 36)