Sunday, December 12, 2010

A gift from God - Welcome our baby with love.

A brand new life has just begun. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, 

Our cute little baby, Atticus Lam, has arrived on December 9, 2010 at 15:08 (Pacific time) weighing 7 lbs 12 oz, 20.0 inches. 

The labor process is rather a tough one yet it's all worth. Thanks God and the dedicated medical team that help us to get through. I felt much better now after resting for a few days. I'll take more rest and share with you all later on.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Stay Busy....

It's week 41 now. I have mixed feelings now. On one hand, it's good to enjoy the 'earned' that I could watch movies and read books and do all the Christmas shopping...on the other hand, I am so curious how he looks like now...wishing that he could come out right at the next minute. 

Anyway, we have done the Non-stress test at the hospital today and everything looks fine as usual. So we will keep on waiting and stay busy....

To our dear family and friends, thanks for all your support and blessings..We will keep you posted for any updates.

What is a nonstress test?

This simple, painless procedure is done during pregnancy to evaluate your baby's condition. During the test, your healthcare practitioner or a technician monitors your baby's heartbeat, first while the baby is resting and then while he's moving. Just as your heart beats faster when you're active, your baby's heart rate should go up while he's moving or kicking.

(Week 41)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby Gift from TB


Thank you so much, TB! The octopus is cute and the baby handling kit is just awesome! I should try to modify the wheel of responsibility..........make it all 'Dad'! :P

(Week 40)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baby Gift from Heidi

多謝Heidi 給我的禮物....一直想等到看完三本書才寫..但是又想慢慢品嚐.....所以還是先post 出來這裡. 因為想告訴你...看到這件格仔衫...好像給我一點點的啟發.....老實說,我還是很擔心在美國養育孩子要面對很多文化差異所帶來的挑戰....我很想可以做一位持平開放的母親,但也不敢百分百的肯定..如果孩子長大後像那些氣艷的黃皮白心..我是否可以欣然接受...如果用很傳統的中國式家長教法...又會使他不能容入本土文化。

原來自我的身份認同,對於一個地方的歸屬感.不是必然...以前我不明白為什麼香港人沒有'國家'觀念有什麼問題,現在才知道原來沒有"根"的感覺,人會變得飄忽...如果孩子出生應該定位是'什麼人'呢? 中國人? 中國香港人? 美國香港人? 美國中國人?

Week 40

It's December!

踏入十二月了, 真是難以置信...上年的同一時間,我還在香港工作。上年的聖誕前夕飛到東岸...就這樣差不多已經一年。因為仍在家中靜侯佳音,所以我爭取寶貴的時間休息及完成To-do list 上的工作。

佈置聖誕樹 X'mas tree is up!


Easy to read, funny little book  
昨日睇ob...一切正常,醫生幫我安排左下星期一做Non-stress test, 如果無問題會再等多一星期...

When is a pregnancy considered overdue?

A pregnancy is usually completed in 38 to 42 weeks. "Post-term pregnancy," "prolonged pregnancy" and "post-date pregnancy" are all words used to describe a pregnancy that lasts beyond 42 weeks. About 5% of pregnancies are post-term.

What if my pregnancy goes 1 week past the due date?

If your pregnancy lasts 1 week or more past your expected due date, your doctor will usually begin checking your baby more closely. Your doctor may check your baby's heartbeat by using an electronic fetal monitor once or twice a week. In addition, an ultrasound exam might be done to look at the amniotic fluid around your baby. Ultrasound can also be used to see how much your baby is moving. You should continue to feel your baby move throughout your pregnancy. Decreased fetal movement may be a sign that you need to call your doctor.

In addition, your doctor may begin checking your cervix to see if it's dilated and thinned. Your doctor may also recommend inducing (starting) labor.

(Week 40)

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