Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Twinkle Star 閃星星

Have the 1st registered nurse appointment today. She checked the blood pressure and body weight and for the very first time - A preliminary scan of the baby's image.

In fact, I can't see it clearly as I have lay down and the screen has some reflection looking from my angle..I should have asked the nurse to turn the monitor a bit...but my head was so blank at that time. When she explained what's on the screen..I just keep nodding my head. But Hugo said he saw it clearly. There's a twinkle star blinking -- that's our baby's heart! Hugo 說...一閃一閃很明亮的. 那一刻..感覺很奇妙..實實在在的有一個小生命在肚子中...心在不停的跳動.....好可愛. 

Still do not have appetite and keep throwing up. I am not sure whether it's due to the prenatal vitamins..Fear of taking the vitamins now. Sometimes when I feel really bad, I just skip it for that day. But then I feel guilty and try to pick it up again the following day. 總之, 食親維他命都有點怕.

P.S. 唔鍾意飲橙汁...唔鍾食西餐. 

(Week 10)

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