Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Gift from Yun


Has received a box of baby apparels from dear Yun. :) They're all so cute! Thanks so much, Yun. You always act fast....we even haven't started buying baby clothes yet...

(Picture taken at Week 27)

Monday, August 23, 2010

More and More Exercise!

I keep on borrowing DVDs from the library about Pregnancy Exercises or Workout. As I know I will give up easily if I get bored by sticking to the same one everyday. 

This DVD is a bit old-fashioned. Made me laugh at first sight --- becoz of their 70's outfit. It's very much like doing Aerobic exercise. You will sweat after all the dancing..but the bit goes faster than those pregnancy yoga and it is a good one if you want to add variety to your workout plan. The exercise is quite intense so I will only do this set of workout once a week.

Taught by Jennifer Gianni , an experienced Fusion Pilates professional, the video is informative and I like that she will explain in details, which part of muscles you are training and why it is relevant to your child birth. I would recommended this to my friends.

(Week 23)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby Registry @ Babies "R" Us & Amazon

We've created our first baby registry at Babies R Us and started to buy stuff for the Nursery.  

由依家開始就要留意想要既產品...幾時會減價...然後就入貨...聽個親戚講...買兩盒尿片...送一張$15 Gift card 既offer 係最筍既..我地即時買左兩盒..不過今次係減Huggies..我地就打算用Pampers Sensitive (Recommended by 親戚)...所以買左1-2號同3號..因為BB出世既肌膚太嫩..用Sensitive 會好d. 所以仲要留意for new born 既diapers. 

Babies "R" Us - Registry can be searched under my name: Carinna Cheung 

We have also registered the Baby Registry as well. (Can also search by our names or go to this link: 

## If you would like to have some gift idea for Lam BB (thank you in advance), seems like is a better place to shop as their price is usually lower.

(Week 25)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Sermon at Church


Topic of today' sermon :  敬拜:永恆的預排  Church: 主恩基督教會

很久沒有參與星期日的祟拜. 到了西岸之後, 感謝神..我們找到了合適的團契. 希望神繼續帶領我們如何與祂建立更好的關係.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pregnancy For Dummies DVD


Pregnancy For Dummies. If you want to get a general idea of the pregnancy process, this is a good video. 

同Hugo一齊睇左3rd Trimester 既一段....片中有三對夫婦...經歷唔同既分娩過程...有一對等左24小時都未得結果要開刀...不過無論過程係點...三個bb都好健康....其實真正生的時候真係有好多不能預計的情況...但是只要放鬆心情....憑信心就可以完成任務...個個片中既媽媽都話雖然辛苦..但係睇到bb就咩都底...我都要記住.

Another DVD we've watched is: Positions for Labor. This is a good programme. 
It illustrates the natural, instinctive position changes and movements that moms can use throughout labor and childbirth. This program demonstrates beneficial positions and uses state-of-the-art 3D animation of fetal rotation and positioning to show moms and their support persons the benefits of movement!
In addition, parents will learn why optimal fetal positioning  can lower the risk of having an unplanned Cesarean birth, and what options moms have if their mobility is limited by factors such as fatigue or an epidural.

(Week 24)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sleepless Night


昨晚刨左呢本書but I don't recommend this book.

It doesn't really talk about the practical approach of how to handle a crying baby. It's more like a research paper and an documentary about what had happened in the author's colic clinic. One point I learnt is that: 

You shouldn't feel bad if you can't stop a baby from crying if you've already tried everything. Because sometimes baby really cries out of no reason. So do not blame yourself or hate your 'little monster'. Take a break and ask someone to help. 

I think the tips from the following sites are more useful: 

(Week 24)

Confirmation from ChildBirth Course tutor

Received the confirmation letter from the Childbirth class tutor.  I love the stamp she's using.
This is the only one class we have registered as (the OB has strongly encouraged this for several times).  Later on, we may consider to take the infant care class recommended by Vincent and Vivien at Mission College.

仲有...今日收到診所姑娘打來通知我個sugar test Passed!  放鬆哂! :) 我覺得間Clicnic 同ob...真係好好...我唸都係唔轉醫院啦..
(Week 24)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Bargains

    Seen this book before at a bookstore but I didn't buy it at that time coz I thought it's unnecessary to buy a book that teach you how to shop ....But then I realized that I was wrong...Coz when we went to Baby"R"us...we just don't know what to begin with.  So I got this book from the library and study this from the first page. I would recommend this book to first-time-parents as the content is informative and it also reminded us what are 'waste-of-money' items. The only complain about this book is that....the font is just too small and you'll get tired easily.

(Week 24)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test


做左妊娠血糖測試...姑娘無俾我選擇飲咩味.....俾左支lime 我...不過俾我想像中好味! 一個鐘後返去...抽左兩支血...希望唔好超標啦!

What is Glucose Tolerance Test?

For the one hour glucose tolerance test no fasting is required. When you arrive to the office, you will receive 50 gm of a high glucose solution. You will usually be offered several different flavor options, such as, lemon/lime, cola, and orange. You should consume the entire beverage within 5 minutes. You should be aware that the glucose solution is very sweet and many women will feel nauseous after drinking it. The nurse will record the time the glucose beverage was given and return in one hour to draw a blood sample. If you should feel symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as dizziness, weakness, sweating, or hunger at any time during the test please inform the nurse.

Why the test is done:

This test is done to determine if you suffer from gestational diabetes or glucose intolerance of pregnancy.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Certain hormones increase during pregnancy, transferring valuable nutrients from the mother to the baby so that the fetus develops and grows. Other hormones block the action of insulin, ensuring that the mother herself does not develop low blood sugar. To compensate, the mother’s insulin levels rise.
If her insulin levels cannot increase sufficiently, rising blood sugar levels will eventually result in gestational diabetes. Untreated, gestational diabetes can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby. These complications may include:
  • Macrosomia (oversized baby)
  • Increased chance of cesarean section delivery
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in the baby immediately after delivery
  • Stillbirth
  • For the child, risk of obesity and developing type 2 diabetes later in life                          
Quote from 
(Week 24)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Labor & Delivery Tour

Attended prenatal visit today and then joined a hospital visit tour. It's good to get familiarized with the labor and delivery unit so when time will know where is the exact place to go. The tour is quite informative, however, one thing really made us worried: the hospital is currently under renovation. So the main entrance has turned into a large construction site and the renovation will last till 2013. We're not sure whether it will create noise during the day. Another thing is that the nurse said if the ward is crowded, it is not guaranteed to live in a private suite. Maybe we should explore other hospital but that means we need to change OB.  That's a difficult decision.

(Week 23)

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