Monday, August 9, 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test

做左妊娠血糖測試...姑娘無俾我選擇飲咩味.....俾左支lime 我...不過俾我想像中好味! 一個鐘後返去...抽左兩支血...希望唔好超標啦!

What is Glucose Tolerance Test?

For the one hour glucose tolerance test no fasting is required. When you arrive to the office, you will receive 50 gm of a high glucose solution. You will usually be offered several different flavor options, such as, lemon/lime, cola, and orange. You should consume the entire beverage within 5 minutes. You should be aware that the glucose solution is very sweet and many women will feel nauseous after drinking it. The nurse will record the time the glucose beverage was given and return in one hour to draw a blood sample. If you should feel symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as dizziness, weakness, sweating, or hunger at any time during the test please inform the nurse.

Why the test is done:

This test is done to determine if you suffer from gestational diabetes or glucose intolerance of pregnancy.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Certain hormones increase during pregnancy, transferring valuable nutrients from the mother to the baby so that the fetus develops and grows. Other hormones block the action of insulin, ensuring that the mother herself does not develop low blood sugar. To compensate, the mother’s insulin levels rise.
If her insulin levels cannot increase sufficiently, rising blood sugar levels will eventually result in gestational diabetes. Untreated, gestational diabetes can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby. These complications may include:
  • Macrosomia (oversized baby)
  • Increased chance of cesarean section delivery
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in the baby immediately after delivery
  • Stillbirth
  • For the child, risk of obesity and developing type 2 diabetes later in life                          
Quote from 
(Week 24)

1 comments on "Glucose Tolerance Test"

Hugo 果言有理 on August 13, 2010 at 1:02 AM said...

Hehe, 下次生多個俾你揀過啦 :) 想要咩味?


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