原來要幫孩子改名真的不容易...暫時仲未有一個心儀的名字..我們會在見到Lam BB 的時候再決定.
(Week 35)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Baby Gift from Wendy & Timothy
Thanks to the Liu's. We received a great gift which could certainly encourage me to breast-feed. :P Love it!
(Week 35)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Baby Gift from Germany
謝謝德國的寶茵表姐,除了時不時為我們寄來精神食糧 (電視片集) 也會時常為我們寄來大包小包的驚喜禮物。 這次給BB寄來了很多型仔的衣服...嘩! 可以著到三歲啦. ..仲有溫奶器+沖涼套裝。很貼心呀! 十分感謝!!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
不是我一個人在忙碌,Dad-to-be is providing the greatest support 7/24 and many 'infrastructure' were actually his great work.
1) BB 的私人傳聲器
2) Daddy's reading a comic book about raising a child
3) Daddy's setting up the crib
4) Daddy's checking out the playard
(Week 34)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Baby Shower @ Week 34 + 6
Posted by
Carinna at Sunday, October 24, 2010
Labels: 3rd Trimester, Milestone, Thank you note
Labels: 3rd Trimester, Milestone, Thank you note
We had a wonderful baby shower at home. Thanks for our party host Mandy + Elijah's brothers & sisters + all the beloved friends. They have bought us adorable gifts and most importantly warm support wishes. Donahue has also joined our party as he's having business trip right at the time.
似乎大家都唔係好鍾意食嬰兒食物----> 面容扭曲,BB 一般最少第4個月 (通常第6個月) 才會開始食固體食物..所以仲有好一段時間先要入貨...如果時間許可,自己整BB Food 最好。
Friday, October 22, 2010
Baby Position : Sunny-side up egg
Posted by
Carinna at Friday, October 22, 2010
Labels: 3rd Trimester, Prenatal Check-up, Today's Feeling
Labels: 3rd Trimester, Prenatal Check-up, Today's Feeling
We visited OB today was told that the baby has turned to head-down position. Yay! That means more chance to have a natural birth as we preferred. Thanks for all your prayers.
我唔係好感受到bb 係幾時轉頭的. 進入診所前我仲以為佢仲係breech..不過醫生未照超聲波已經摸到個頭仔在下面...照完確定真係轉左頭...不過仲未係最佳位置..現在他是"Sunny-side up' ..其實即是Posterior position.如果可以轉為Anterior...咁就會生得無咁辛苦。
Anterior and posterior are the basic positions.
Your baby is anterior if he is facing your back. So your baby's spine is curled along the front of your belly and his face is towards your spine. Your baby is "anterior" if his spine is straight up against your belly. If baby position is turned slightly to your right, he is "right anterior;" if he is turned slightly to your left, then he is "left anterior."
Anterior is the favored baby position. It allows the baby to most easy maneuver through your pelvis and out into the world.
If your baby is facing your front, she is posterior. Her spine will be along your spine and her face towards your front. If your baby is turned slightly to your right then your baby is "right posterior." If baby position is slightly to your left then she is "left posterior."
If you baby is facing directly to your right, then he is "right transverse." If he's facing directly to your left, then he is "left transverse."
You may be interested to know these positions, but your care provider may only mention them if your baby is in one of the posterior positions. Posterior babies are the ones who can create "back labor." Back labor is a backache during labor. It is often relived by very hard counter-pressure of the spot where the backache is felt. Most posterior babies will turn during labor, but a very few will be born face up - called "sunny side up!"
If the baby position is persistently posterior, avoid sitting back in chairs. Try to adjust yourself so that your belly is hanging in front of you, or lay on your side leaning slightly forward. This will encourage your baby to flip with his spine to the front.
(Week 34)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mother-Son Relationship
距離BB出世既日子不遠,硬件其實都準備得七七八八,但係心情好似尚未ready。自從知道Lam BB 是男孩子, 我一直會間歇地思考母親和男孩子的關係,不竟,我是女兒,不知道作為兒子如何看與母親的關係。 現在就開始想這問題好像很傻,但我覺得養育男孩跟女孩可能會有點分別. 要塑造一個獨立又不驕橫的男孩,應該做些什麼? 如果他太內向,可能會不懂得與我傾訴。如果他太依賴,可能會成了一個小白臉。 看了這本好友Heidi 寄來的書(龍應台- 親愛的安德烈)..給我不少思考點,現在還是別想得太多...還是先執好個'走佬袋'罷!!
(Week 34)
A very nice swaddle set from Joanne
So happy to receive Joanne's baby gift yesterday. A very nice swaddle set...Perfect for the winter time and the hooded towel is in super nice texture! 果然係..知我者莫若妮! 我都想快d可以送野俾你同Dennis既出品呀...期待期待......
(Week 34)
Rolling over
Rolling over in bed is not easy for pregnant women. Sleeping during pregnancy requires lots of pillows. It's hard to get all the pillows in place during the night and you'll always need to reposition all of them when you change sides or after you went to the restroom. I am not sure whether the pillow in the picture could help but to me..it's like being knocked up and I guess it wouldn't be less difficult to keep yourself in a comfortable position in this body pillow.
每晚睡前都要用d 時間搵個舒服既姿態....因為個肚咁大...我會用一個簿既枕頭墊住個肚...雙腳夾住個記憶枕..雙手再抱住一個肥肥既軟枕頭,儘量向左面側臥。轉身通常會成個人醒哂....有時會訓到一邊有d 酸軟,將d枕頭執番好哂d位,先可以再次入睡。 通常朝早起身,都會發現d 枕頭跌哂落床。其實Hugo都唔好得好多,因為我會佔左好多位...所以佢成日都要縮埋一舊...
(Week 34)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Child Birth Class
It's a good experience to attend child birth class as first time parents. If you asked me, whether I would recommend this to my friend..Well....yes and no. Yes, if you have no time to do research and want to know different birth options. No, if you have enough time to study a book or watch a video at home because a 'brief' course actually can't give you too much information.
Actually, the class is enjoyable and the teacher(Patty) is humorous. She tries to keep dads amused and give them lots of handful information about how to take the supporter role during labor.
班上有7對couple....他們全部都是專業人士...律師呀..醫生呀..似乎最無聊係我...自我介紹既時候我都係慣常稱自己為我老公的私人助理...儘量將自己裝成有用一點.......其他同學多數偏靜..唔係好多問題..所以上課既效果並不像我預期中理想....如果大家多d發問...會好好多..我自己在上課前睇左好多參考書...也看了一些DVD...所以略嫌內容唔夠多...不過堂上有時間...讓我們實踐呼吸..放鬆等方法...這部分最有用.....我個人認為這種birth class..是體驗多於實際知識...試一次無妨..但不是非上不可.
(Week 32)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Breastfeeding Class
We attended a very informative breastfeeding class today. The class was taught by volunteers from Nursing Mother Council and it's free.
I know that breastfeeding could be unexpectedly difficult for first time moms. I tried to get myself prepared because I plan to breastfeed Lam bb if possible. The class covered many tips about how to position the baby and what the mother could do to facilitate breast-feeding.
Some golden rules:
Some golden rules:
- A new born should be fed 8 to 12 times within 24 hrs
- the mom needs to drink lots of fluids and take enough rest
- It's also very essential to have a peaceful and relax state of mind.
The baby-fed feeding approach is to put the baby skin to skin with the mother and allow the baby to search for the breast. When he starts searching, the mother helps him, guiding him toward the breast, supporting his back and neck. The mother is careful not to hold his head. We watched the video and it's amazing to see that even a new born could do it out of basic instinct.....
餵母乳有很多好處...不過要成功. 要有一定的耐性...如果要上班的話..更需要加陪的毅力..但對bb健康好d..又慳錢...值得辛苦一點.
Nursing Mothers Council:
P.S# Thanks to Vincent & Vivien..share with us about LullabyLane and that's where I found the free classes:
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Baby Gift from Michelle & Ming
Michelle & Ming have brought us a nappy cushion and baby art keepsake from their HK trip. What a luxury to have a travel pillow at such a 'young age' haha Thank you to M&M.
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