We attended a very informative breastfeeding class today. The class was taught by volunteers from Nursing Mother Council and it's free.
I know that breastfeeding could be unexpectedly difficult for first time moms. I tried to get myself prepared because I plan to breastfeed Lam bb if possible. The class covered many tips about how to position the baby and what the mother could do to facilitate breast-feeding.
Some golden rules:
Some golden rules:
- A new born should be fed 8 to 12 times within 24 hrs
- the mom needs to drink lots of fluids and take enough rest
- It's also very essential to have a peaceful and relax state of mind.
The baby-fed feeding approach is to put the baby skin to skin with the mother and allow the baby to search for the breast. When he starts searching, the mother helps him, guiding him toward the breast, supporting his back and neck. The mother is careful not to hold his head. We watched the video and it's amazing to see that even a new born could do it out of basic instinct.....
餵母乳有很多好處...不過要成功. 要有一定的耐性...如果要上班的話..更需要加陪的毅力..但對bb健康好d..又慳錢...值得辛苦一點.
Nursing Mothers Council:
P.S# Thanks to Vincent & Vivien..share with us about LullabyLane and that's where I found the free classes:
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