Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rolling over

Rolling over in bed is not easy for pregnant women. Sleeping during pregnancy requires lots of pillows. It's hard to get all the pillows in place during the night and you'll always need to reposition all of them when you change sides or after you went to the restroom.  I am not sure whether the pillow in the picture could help but to's like being knocked up and I guess it wouldn't be less difficult to keep yourself in a comfortable position in this body pillow. 

每晚睡前都要用d 時間搵個舒服既姿態....因為個肚咁大...我會用一個簿既枕頭墊住個肚...雙腳夾住個記憶枕..雙手再抱住一個肥肥既軟枕頭,儘量向左面側臥。轉身通常會成個人醒哂....有時會訓到一邊有d 酸軟,將d枕頭執番好哂d位,先可以再次入睡。 通常朝早起身,都會發現d 枕頭跌哂落床。其實Hugo都唔好得好多,因為我會佔左好多位...所以佢成日都要縮埋一舊...
(Week 34)

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