Sunday, December 12, 2010

A gift from God - Welcome our baby with love.

A brand new life has just begun. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, 

Our cute little baby, Atticus Lam, has arrived on December 9, 2010 at 15:08 (Pacific time) weighing 7 lbs 12 oz, 20.0 inches. 

The labor process is rather a tough one yet it's all worth. Thanks God and the dedicated medical team that help us to get through. I felt much better now after resting for a few days. I'll take more rest and share with you all later on.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Stay Busy....

It's week 41 now. I have mixed feelings now. On one hand, it's good to enjoy the 'earned' that I could watch movies and read books and do all the Christmas shopping...on the other hand, I am so curious how he looks like now...wishing that he could come out right at the next minute. 

Anyway, we have done the Non-stress test at the hospital today and everything looks fine as usual. So we will keep on waiting and stay busy....

To our dear family and friends, thanks for all your support and blessings..We will keep you posted for any updates.

What is a nonstress test?

This simple, painless procedure is done during pregnancy to evaluate your baby's condition. During the test, your healthcare practitioner or a technician monitors your baby's heartbeat, first while the baby is resting and then while he's moving. Just as your heart beats faster when you're active, your baby's heart rate should go up while he's moving or kicking.

(Week 41)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby Gift from TB


Thank you so much, TB! The octopus is cute and the baby handling kit is just awesome! I should try to modify the wheel of responsibility..........make it all 'Dad'! :P

(Week 40)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baby Gift from Heidi

多謝Heidi 給我的禮物....一直想等到看完三本書才寫..但是又想慢慢品嚐.....所以還是先post 出來這裡. 因為想告訴你...看到這件格仔衫...好像給我一點點的啟發.....老實說,我還是很擔心在美國養育孩子要面對很多文化差異所帶來的挑戰....我很想可以做一位持平開放的母親,但也不敢百分百的肯定..如果孩子長大後像那些氣艷的黃皮白心..我是否可以欣然接受...如果用很傳統的中國式家長教法...又會使他不能容入本土文化。

原來自我的身份認同,對於一個地方的歸屬感.不是必然...以前我不明白為什麼香港人沒有'國家'觀念有什麼問題,現在才知道原來沒有"根"的感覺,人會變得飄忽...如果孩子出生應該定位是'什麼人'呢? 中國人? 中國香港人? 美國香港人? 美國中國人?

Week 40

It's December!

踏入十二月了, 真是難以置信...上年的同一時間,我還在香港工作。上年的聖誕前夕飛到東岸...就這樣差不多已經一年。因為仍在家中靜侯佳音,所以我爭取寶貴的時間休息及完成To-do list 上的工作。

佈置聖誕樹 X'mas tree is up!


Easy to read, funny little book  
昨日睇ob...一切正常,醫生幫我安排左下星期一做Non-stress test, 如果無問題會再等多一星期...

When is a pregnancy considered overdue?

A pregnancy is usually completed in 38 to 42 weeks. "Post-term pregnancy," "prolonged pregnancy" and "post-date pregnancy" are all words used to describe a pregnancy that lasts beyond 42 weeks. About 5% of pregnancies are post-term.

What if my pregnancy goes 1 week past the due date?

If your pregnancy lasts 1 week or more past your expected due date, your doctor will usually begin checking your baby more closely. Your doctor may check your baby's heartbeat by using an electronic fetal monitor once or twice a week. In addition, an ultrasound exam might be done to look at the amniotic fluid around your baby. Ultrasound can also be used to see how much your baby is moving. You should continue to feel your baby move throughout your pregnancy. Decreased fetal movement may be a sign that you need to call your doctor.

In addition, your doctor may begin checking your cervix to see if it's dilated and thinned. Your doctor may also recommend inducing (starting) labor.

(Week 40)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Full-term @ 40-week

今日係預產期啦...足足四十周....Lam BB 仍在肚中...無咩異樣...我成日'凝住'個預產期早左...唔知仲要等多幾多日呢?!
雖然係有d 心急..不過佢鍾意住耐少少我都唔介意,我地會儘量順其自然...明天會見ob...如果無特別既問題..未過42week都唔會引產. 


Lam BB is still happy in my tummy. The expected due date is on today, however, everything just goes on as usual. I didn't feel any contractions or whatever. We'll just wait and follow God's arrangement.  Stay tuned.

(Week 40)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Gift from MH

Cool, the earliest X'mas gift I got :) A cute Stitch figure! ....the 'bear' hat and the "hoops and yoyo" gown are really cute! Thank you, MH.

 (Week 39)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Counting down...


走佬袋執好啦.....而且重溫左Breathing techniques...不過仲未唸好叫咩名...

Counting down for the big day now...will update you all when the baby arrives. 

                                                                           (Week 39)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to Daddy-to-be

 Happy Birthday to Daddy-to-be !  Watched Harry Porter and had a nice dinner with Hubby today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The final weeks of pregnancy

The prenatal check up has turned on a weekly basis. My tummy is now so big and everytime when I looked at a body mirror...I found myself looked so funny. BB is so active constantly and I can now 'see' his move as my tummy will change shape when he stretched his legs.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Gift from Uncle Vronsky's Family

Cute baby clothing from Uncle Vronsky & Aunt Tabitha's Family 
Thank you so much and miss you all ~

(Week 37)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baby Gift from Cindy

Cindy, thanks so much for your baby gift. 
The receiving blanket is very useful and I like those 'Japanese' handkerchiefs!! 

(Week 36)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Happiest Baby on the Block

The Happiest Baby on the Block (DVD) 
Highly recommended, helpful tips on how to calm a crying baby. 

 Baby 411, like the Baby Bargain book, it's a comprehensive guide with good Q&As....the problem is.....the font is really too small

Pea in a Pod, I think it's a very good reference book. Better than 'what you should expect when you're expecting' or those week-by-week references.

Counting down to the due date....not more than 1 month's time left and we'll meet Lam BB...!  One of my best Mama friends reminded me that it's time to relax and 'stop' doing all the research......She worries that if I read too many references....I'll become more intense.  其實這兩個星期已經好少睇'資料'...轉左睇<龍應台> + Desperate Housewives + The Big Bang Theory....輕鬆一下. 加上現在經常感覺疲倦...每日實際既活動時間唔多...我都無再鑽研BB書啦. 

P.S #盧太...唔洗擔心..我會聽你既心得..放鬆心情. 

(Week 36)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Picking a name for Lam BB

原來要幫孩子改名真的不容易...暫時仲未有一個心儀的名字..我們會在見到Lam BB 的時候再決定.

(Week 35)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby Gift from Wendy & Timothy


Thanks to the Liu's. We received a great gift which could certainly encourage me to breast-feed. :P Love it!
(Week 35)

Baby Gift from Tracy (#2)


契媽 1號...叫左你唔好寄野...您仲寄....(連我收到個包裹講咩你都估中!) :P  多謝哂! 
 (Week 35)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Baby Gift from Germany

謝謝德國的寶茵表姐,除了時不時為我們寄來精神食糧 (電視片集) 也會時常為我們寄來大包小包的驚喜禮物。 這次給BB寄來了很多型仔的衣服...嘩! 可以著到三歲啦. ..仲有溫奶器+沖涼套裝。很貼心呀! 十分感謝!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010



不是我一個人在忙碌,Dad-to-be is providing the greatest support 7/24 and many 'infrastructure' were actually his great work. 

1) BB 的私人傳聲器
2) Daddy's reading a comic book about raising a child
3) Daddy's setting up the crib
4) Daddy's checking out the playard

(Week 34)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby Shower @ Week 34 + 6


We had a wonderful baby shower at home. Thanks for our party host Mandy + Elijah's brothers & sisters + all the beloved friends. They have bought us adorable gifts and most importantly warm support wishes. Donahue has also joined our party as he's having business trip right at the time.

似乎大家都唔係好鍾意食嬰兒食物----> 面容扭曲,BB 一般最少第4個月 (通常第6個月) 才會開始食固體食物..所以仲有好一段時間先要入貨...如果時間許可,自己整BB Food 最好。



Friday, October 22, 2010

Baby Position : Sunny-side up egg

We visited OB today was told that the baby has turned to head-down position. Yay! That means more chance to have a natural birth as we preferred. Thanks for all your prayers.

我唔係好感受到bb 係幾時轉頭的. 進入診所前我仲以為佢仲係breech..不過醫生未照超聲波已經摸到個頭仔在下面...照完確定真係轉左頭...不過仲未係最佳位置..現在他是"Sunny-side up' ..其實即是Posterior position.如果可以轉為Anterior...咁就會生得無咁辛苦。

Anterior and posterior are the basic positions.

another anterior babyYour baby is anterior if he is facing your back. So your baby's spine is curled along the front of your belly and his face is towards your spine. Your baby is "anterior" if his spine is straight up against your belly. If baby position is turned slightly to your right, he is "right anterior;" if he is turned slightly to your left, then he is "left anterior."
Anterior is the favored baby position. It allows the baby to most easy maneuver through your pelvis and out into the world.
posterior babyIf your baby is facing your front, she is posterior. Her spine will be along your spine and her face towards your front. If your baby is turned slightly to your right then your baby is "right posterior." If baby position is slightly to your left then she is "left posterior."
If you baby is facing directly to your right, then he is "right transverse." If he's facing directly to your left, then he is "left transverse."

You may be interested to know these positions, but your care provider may only mention them if your baby is in one of the posterior positions. Posterior babies are the ones who can create "back labor." Back labor is a backache during labor. It is often relived by very hard counter-pressure of the spot where the backache is felt. Most posterior babies will turn during labor, but a very few will be born face up - called "sunny side up!"
If the baby position is persistently posterior, avoid sitting back in chairs. Try to adjust yourself so that your belly is hanging in front of you, or lay on your side leaning slightly forward. This will encourage your baby to flip with his spine to the front.

(Week 34)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mother-Son Relationship

距離BB出世既日子不遠,硬件其實都準備得七七八八,但係心情好似尚未ready。自從知道Lam  BB 是男孩子, 我一直會間歇地思考母親和男孩子的關係,不竟,我是女兒,不知道作為兒子如何看與母親的關係。 現在就開始想這問題好像很傻,但我覺得養育男孩跟女孩可能會有點分別. 要塑造一個獨立又不驕橫的男孩,應該做些什麼? 如果他太內向,可能會不懂得與我傾訴。如果他太依賴,可能會成了一個小白臉。 看了這本好友Heidi 寄來的書(龍應台- 親愛的安德烈)..給我不少思考點,現在還是別想得太多...還是先執好個'走佬袋'罷!!

(Week 34)

A very nice swaddle set from Joanne

So happy to receive Joanne's baby gift yesterday. A very nice swaddle set...Perfect for the winter time and the hooded towel is in super nice texture! 果然係..知我者莫若妮!  我都想快d可以送野俾你同Dennis既出品呀...期待期待......
(Week 34)

Rolling over

Rolling over in bed is not easy for pregnant women. Sleeping during pregnancy requires lots of pillows. It's hard to get all the pillows in place during the night and you'll always need to reposition all of them when you change sides or after you went to the restroom.  I am not sure whether the pillow in the picture could help but to's like being knocked up and I guess it wouldn't be less difficult to keep yourself in a comfortable position in this body pillow. 

每晚睡前都要用d 時間搵個舒服既姿態....因為個肚咁大...我會用一個簿既枕頭墊住個肚...雙腳夾住個記憶枕..雙手再抱住一個肥肥既軟枕頭,儘量向左面側臥。轉身通常會成個人醒哂....有時會訓到一邊有d 酸軟,將d枕頭執番好哂d位,先可以再次入睡。 通常朝早起身,都會發現d 枕頭跌哂落床。其實Hugo都唔好得好多,因為我會佔左好多位...所以佢成日都要縮埋一舊...
(Week 34)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Child Birth Class

It's a good experience to attend child birth class as first time parents. If you asked me, whether I would recommend this to my friend..Well....yes and no. Yes, if you have no time to do research and want to know different birth options. No, if you have enough time to study a book or watch a video at home because a 'brief' course actually can't give you too much information.

Actually, the class is enjoyable and the teacher(Patty) is humorous.  She tries to keep dads amused and give them lots of handful information about how to take the supporter role during labor.

班上有7對couple....他們全部都是專業人士...律師呀..醫生呀..似乎最無聊係我...自我介紹既時候我都係慣常稱自己為我老公的私人助理...儘量將自己裝成有用一點.......其他同學多數偏靜..唔係好多問題..所以上課既效果並不像我預期中理想....如果大家多d發問...會好好多..我自己在上課前睇左好多參考書...也看了一些DVD...所以略嫌內容唔夠多...不過堂上有時間...讓我們實踐呼吸..放鬆等方法...這部分最有用.....我個人認為這種birth class..是體驗多於實際知識...試一次無妨..但不是非上不可.

(Week 32)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breastfeeding Class

We attended a very informative breastfeeding class today. The class was taught by volunteers from Nursing Mother Council and it's free. 

I know that breastfeeding could be unexpectedly difficult for first time moms. I tried to get myself prepared because I plan to breastfeed Lam bb if possible. The class covered many tips about how to position the baby and what the mother could do to facilitate breast-feeding.  

Some golden rules: 
  • A new born should be fed 8 to 12 times within 24 hrs 
  • the mom needs to drink lots of fluids and take enough rest
  • It's also very essential to have a peaceful and relax state of mind. 
I was very impressed with the baby-led feeding approach that being introduced during the class.

The baby-fed feeding approach is to put the baby skin to skin with the mother and allow the baby to search for the breast. When he starts searching, the mother helps him, guiding him toward the breast, supporting his back and neck. The mother is careful not to hold his head.  We watched the video and it's amazing to see that even a new born could do it out of basic instinct.....

餵母乳有很多好處...不過要成功. 要有一定的耐性...如果要上班的話..更需要加陪的毅力..但對bb健康好d..又慳錢...值得辛苦一點.

Nursing Mothers Council:

P.S# Thanks to Vincent & Vivien..share with us about LullabyLane and that's where I found the free classes:

(Week 31)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Baby Gift from Michelle & Ming

Michelle & Ming have brought us a nappy cushion and baby art keepsake from their HK trip.  What a luxury to have a travel pillow at such a 'young age' haha Thank you to M&M.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Baby Gifts from Cheryl, Wai Ki & Siegfried


Really thanks for the lovely gifts from Cheryl, Wai Ki & Siegfried.  Coz the gifts arrive separately in three consecutive's just so exciting to unwrap them one by one.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby's Position

上星期五去定期產檢....Dr Gandhi-list 因為剛剛接生緊...姑娘話佢唔會咁快ok.....問我地介唔介意今次睇另一位醫生....我地覺得例行檢查應該無咩所謂..加上唔知會等幾耐..所以就話好啦.原來另一位醫生係香港人..Dr. Liu...(男人)..我覺得佢明顯係無咁溫柔..但係都算係唔'衰'啦...不過..經此一次之後......我更加感恩我地睇開既Dr. 係真係好有心機..又可能係因為男醫生講野比較利落啦...

醫生話bb is in breech position..即係頭仔向上 (我feel 到係打橫)...個頭仔仲未轉落去...俾左張Notes 叫我做下提臂運動..幫助誘發bb轉身. 我聽完都有d擔心..if Lam BB stays in breech position in the coming few weeks..then I will need to prepare myself for a C-section. 我會勤力d 做exercise and 用d music 來引下佢....

What does it mean if my baby is breech?

By around 8 months, there's not much room in the uterus. Most babies maximize their cramped quarters by settling in head down, in what's known as a cephalic presentation. But if your baby is breech, it means he's poised to come out buttocks or feet first.

When labor begins at term, nearly 97 percent of babies are set to come out head first. Most of the rest are breech. (In rare cases, a baby will be sideways in the uterus with his shoulder or arm presenting first — this is called a transverse lie.)

There are several types of breech presentations, including frank breech (bottom first with feet up near the head), complete breech (bottom first with legs crossed Indian-style), or footling breech (one or both feet are poised to come out first).

By the beginning of your third trimester, your practitioner should be able to tell what position your baby is in by feeling your abdomen and locating the baby's head, back, and bottom. About a quarter of babies are breech at this point, but most will turn on their own over the next two months.

As you're approaching term, if your baby's position isn't clear during an abdominal exam, your caregiver may do an internal exam to try to feel what part of the baby is in your pelvis. In some cases, she may use ultrasound to confirm the baby's position.

What if my baby is still breech near term?

Babies who are still breech near term are unlikely to turn on their own. So if your baby is still bottom down at 37 weeks, your caregiver should offer to try to turn your baby to the more favorable head-down position, assuming you're an appropriate candidate.
(Week 30)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Gift from Queenie & Paul

Thank you to Queenie & Paul~ We received the bottle set a few days ago.

So far, we've chosen two different brands of bottles which declare that their design fits for breastfed babies.
The Dr. Brown bottles were the highest rated one and it says that their materials can help to maintain Vitamins in the mother's milk. Another brand we bought is the NUK. We'll wait for the little researcher (Lam BB) to sought out which one works best for himself.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stretch Marks...!

Finally...the tummy grows bigger and bigger each day after month of Sixth and dramatically...I saw those stretch marks...I don't know when did they actually appear...but oh..finally..I discover them....Now a bit regret that I should had put on more massage oil or stretch marks lotion to prevent it....though some people's nothing you can do with them..

Fortunately, stretch marks often turn lighter and almost disappear over time (hopefully).



在懷孕初期就應該在尚未出現妊娠紋之前,採取預防的步驟。 專用的妊娠紋保養霜或妊娠除紋霜不但可以預防出現妊娠紋,也可以改善皮膚發癢、皮膚出疹等孕期常見不適症狀.妊娠紋一旦形成,就會留下痕跡,只是顏色變淡了;頭一次形成的妊娠紋,為紫紅色或葡萄紅色,生產後,就變成銀白色,不仔細瞧瞧,還不見得看得出來。



3‧勤勞加油:(我就是加油不夠勤勞啦!!!!) 從懷孕初期就可以選用適合體質的乳液,可以在作重點部位按摩時,加油添〝乳〞,目的就在濕潤、油滑肌膚,增加肌膚的柔軟度和彈性,使得整體皮膚組織在脂肪堆積擴張時,能夠更加適應。使用乳液的另一項好處,是可以減輕妊娠紋處皮膚變薄時產生的搔癢感。

4.均衡營養素的攝取:皮膚科醫師都同意,肌膚保養的基本在於均衡營養素的攝取.除了足量的蛋白質,脂肪,和醣類. 一些特定的維生素,礦物質與肌膚的健康更息息相關.

(Week 30)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Baby Gift from Amy



The Art of Parenting

The Art of Parenting 

9月5 日, 教會的講題是教養的藝術. 我覺得歐陽牧師的分享很實用...真的很感恩讓我能夠在懷孕的時候聽到這信息...可以提醒我們早作準備..雖然小寶寶還在肚子裡....現在就談教養好像太早...但其實Parenting...就是由孩子一出生那一刻開始....父母的心理狀況及教養的方式對小朋友有很大的影響...研究說明很多心理的問題其實都是幼兒期(0-7)形成的..所以要俾多d愛心同心機去照顧小朋友.

我最深刻的教導是要讓小朋友有 Freedom to be different. 因為每個人都有他獨特的性格或恩賜....不要因為自己的意欲..強迫孩子向某一方發展.  應了解孩子,以身作則並且隨小孩長大的不同階段, 調整父母擔當的角色.

Parenting is like growing a tree.

Christian Parenting means to raise and educate a child from birth to childhood according to God's principles/ christian faith.   Pastor Au-yeung has shared a lot and he concluded the following 5 tips:
  • Be a proactive parent
  • Be a partner with God
  • Be consistent 
  • Be creative
  • Be a student of your child 
Sermons Archive:
Cantonese (Sep 5) 

English (Aug 15) 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Gift from Tracy

The cute little sheep...Baby's first doll! With a nice melody~ Thank you, Aunt Tracy! Of coz, thanks for other things that dedicated to the Mom-to-be.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Birth Plan 分娩計劃

Thank you for all the advice from my Mama-friends, Amy, Cathy, Christy, Cindy, Fion, Shirley, Wendy...仲有各位親友(不能儘錄). It's really helpful to learn from their valuable experience and get more idea about how it's like in the labor room.

I read two books about Birth Plan and both are really good. (As shown in Picture)

書中訪問了不少有經驗的母親...分享她們在分娩過程中遇到的問題及之前所做的準備. 解答了我心中不少的疑問. 其實每個小寶寶的誕生過程都是很獨特的....未必一切都會如我們預計般發生....但是增加對生產過程的了解..可以令我減輕憂慮.


(Week 28)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Routine Schedule?

Got sick for the past week.....running nose and headache..might had got a flu from a sweating night.

I guess I am not behaving well....always staying up late and do not follow strict eating patterns...Thanks God that my baby is not so picky and seems like he's quite adaptive with my loose schedule. However, counting down to the last 3 months..I should stick to a routine schedule and try harder to keep my body in good shape.

1) Birth Plan + Packing list for Hospital 
2) Shopping list and complete the Baby Registry
3) Plan for baby shower
4) Pregnancy photos at my 3rd Trimester??
5) How to arrange the nursery.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Gift from Yun


Has received a box of baby apparels from dear Yun. :) They're all so cute! Thanks so much, Yun. You always act fast....we even haven't started buying baby clothes yet...

(Picture taken at Week 27)

Monday, August 23, 2010

More and More Exercise!

I keep on borrowing DVDs from the library about Pregnancy Exercises or Workout. As I know I will give up easily if I get bored by sticking to the same one everyday. 

This DVD is a bit old-fashioned. Made me laugh at first sight --- becoz of their 70's outfit. It's very much like doing Aerobic exercise. You will sweat after all the dancing..but the bit goes faster than those pregnancy yoga and it is a good one if you want to add variety to your workout plan. The exercise is quite intense so I will only do this set of workout once a week.

Taught by Jennifer Gianni , an experienced Fusion Pilates professional, the video is informative and I like that she will explain in details, which part of muscles you are training and why it is relevant to your child birth. I would recommended this to my friends.

(Week 23)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby Registry @ Babies "R" Us & Amazon

We've created our first baby registry at Babies R Us and started to buy stuff for the Nursery.  

由依家開始就要留意想要既產品...幾時會減價...然後就入貨...聽個親戚講...買兩盒尿片...送一張$15 Gift card 既offer 係最筍既..我地即時買左兩盒..不過今次係減Huggies..我地就打算用Pampers Sensitive (Recommended by 親戚)...所以買左1-2號同3號..因為BB出世既肌膚太嫩..用Sensitive 會好d. 所以仲要留意for new born 既diapers. 

Babies "R" Us - Registry can be searched under my name: Carinna Cheung 

We have also registered the Baby Registry as well. (Can also search by our names or go to this link: 

## If you would like to have some gift idea for Lam BB (thank you in advance), seems like is a better place to shop as their price is usually lower.

(Week 25)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Sermon at Church


Topic of today' sermon :  敬拜:永恆的預排  Church: 主恩基督教會

很久沒有參與星期日的祟拜. 到了西岸之後, 感謝神..我們找到了合適的團契. 希望神繼續帶領我們如何與祂建立更好的關係.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pregnancy For Dummies DVD


Pregnancy For Dummies. If you want to get a general idea of the pregnancy process, this is a good video. 

同Hugo一齊睇左3rd Trimester 既一段....片中有三對夫婦...經歷唔同既分娩過程...有一對等左24小時都未得結果要開刀...不過無論過程係點...三個bb都好健康....其實真正生的時候真係有好多不能預計的情況...但是只要放鬆心情....憑信心就可以完成任務...個個片中既媽媽都話雖然辛苦..但係睇到bb就咩都底...我都要記住.

Another DVD we've watched is: Positions for Labor. This is a good programme. 
It illustrates the natural, instinctive position changes and movements that moms can use throughout labor and childbirth. This program demonstrates beneficial positions and uses state-of-the-art 3D animation of fetal rotation and positioning to show moms and their support persons the benefits of movement!
In addition, parents will learn why optimal fetal positioning  can lower the risk of having an unplanned Cesarean birth, and what options moms have if their mobility is limited by factors such as fatigue or an epidural.

(Week 24)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sleepless Night


昨晚刨左呢本書but I don't recommend this book.

It doesn't really talk about the practical approach of how to handle a crying baby. It's more like a research paper and an documentary about what had happened in the author's colic clinic. One point I learnt is that: 

You shouldn't feel bad if you can't stop a baby from crying if you've already tried everything. Because sometimes baby really cries out of no reason. So do not blame yourself or hate your 'little monster'. Take a break and ask someone to help. 

I think the tips from the following sites are more useful: 

(Week 24)

Confirmation from ChildBirth Course tutor

Received the confirmation letter from the Childbirth class tutor.  I love the stamp she's using.
This is the only one class we have registered as (the OB has strongly encouraged this for several times).  Later on, we may consider to take the infant care class recommended by Vincent and Vivien at Mission College.

仲有...今日收到診所姑娘打來通知我個sugar test Passed!  放鬆哂! :) 我覺得間Clicnic 同ob...真係好好...我唸都係唔轉醫院啦..
(Week 24)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Bargains

    Seen this book before at a bookstore but I didn't buy it at that time coz I thought it's unnecessary to buy a book that teach you how to shop ....But then I realized that I was wrong...Coz when we went to Baby"R"us...we just don't know what to begin with.  So I got this book from the library and study this from the first page. I would recommend this book to first-time-parents as the content is informative and it also reminded us what are 'waste-of-money' items. The only complain about this book is that....the font is just too small and you'll get tired easily.

(Week 24)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test


做左妊娠血糖測試...姑娘無俾我選擇飲咩味.....俾左支lime 我...不過俾我想像中好味! 一個鐘後返去...抽左兩支血...希望唔好超標啦!

What is Glucose Tolerance Test?

For the one hour glucose tolerance test no fasting is required. When you arrive to the office, you will receive 50 gm of a high glucose solution. You will usually be offered several different flavor options, such as, lemon/lime, cola, and orange. You should consume the entire beverage within 5 minutes. You should be aware that the glucose solution is very sweet and many women will feel nauseous after drinking it. The nurse will record the time the glucose beverage was given and return in one hour to draw a blood sample. If you should feel symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as dizziness, weakness, sweating, or hunger at any time during the test please inform the nurse.

Why the test is done:

This test is done to determine if you suffer from gestational diabetes or glucose intolerance of pregnancy.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Certain hormones increase during pregnancy, transferring valuable nutrients from the mother to the baby so that the fetus develops and grows. Other hormones block the action of insulin, ensuring that the mother herself does not develop low blood sugar. To compensate, the mother’s insulin levels rise.
If her insulin levels cannot increase sufficiently, rising blood sugar levels will eventually result in gestational diabetes. Untreated, gestational diabetes can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby. These complications may include:
  • Macrosomia (oversized baby)
  • Increased chance of cesarean section delivery
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in the baby immediately after delivery
  • Stillbirth
  • For the child, risk of obesity and developing type 2 diabetes later in life                          
Quote from 
(Week 24)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Labor & Delivery Tour

Attended prenatal visit today and then joined a hospital visit tour. It's good to get familiarized with the labor and delivery unit so when time will know where is the exact place to go. The tour is quite informative, however, one thing really made us worried: the hospital is currently under renovation. So the main entrance has turned into a large construction site and the renovation will last till 2013. We're not sure whether it will create noise during the day. Another thing is that the nurse said if the ward is crowded, it is not guaranteed to live in a private suite. Maybe we should explore other hospital but that means we need to change OB.  That's a difficult decision.

(Week 23)

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